Outside Inside Centre
We were all blindsided by this. Hands on head and stilled, mid-stride, we all stared at the screen. Back then, before a shrill whistle put a sudden stop to our ritual gathering in tiers, where we’d throng in unified purpose and warm our hands on pure spectacle. Where a single match of red flame could ignite an entire nation, our stadium stands empty, fire quenched. Where we would stir the passions of hymns over a blazing heat, there sits a heavy lid on our cauldron of rebirth. So is it possible, a reimagining now, after a static summer spent rooted between halfback and fullback? To those who’d say we’re nothing but armchair fans after all, think again: we’ve skin in this game. No, it’s not ours the split lip, strapped knee and bruised rib, but at home, all the same, our sinews strain, tight as bowstrings, harp strings, bracing as in a fever dream against an impact long desired. The rules say: avoid touch. But we yearn for the scrum’s love-spoon knotwork cwtsh. So let’s raise our roofs, fill our hearts again with hope, lift our hands and sing. As we say in our language, hawdd cynnau tân ar hen aelwyd – new fires burn best in old grates, and ours was always fuelled by the ancient belief that no opposition’s insurmountable. Believe, then, and let’s warm our hands on a passion hot as a thousand hearths, because in every home there’s room for us all in this line-up, outside, inside, centre. We’re with you, bois. |
To support the Welsh national rugby team in the Autumn Nations Cup, I was commissioned to write two poems by Principality Building Society. Shortened versions of both poems – one in Welsh and another in English – were broadcast on television and radio, voiced by Cerys Matthews and produced by Orchard. With a global pandemic keeping everyone in their homes and out of the stadium in Cardiff, PBS wanted to show the players that we were still behind them, no matter what. And that we also needed them, of course. In a world where simply touching had become something to fear, what better than watching two teams doing their very best to tackle, press and push each other for a while?