Y mis bach – mae eisiau beirdd! Dyna o leiaf ein cred ni ar bodlediad Clera, sy ar gael ar SoundCloud ac ar iTunes. Cafodd y brif sgwrs y tro hwn ei symbylu gan bennawd colofn Ceri Wyn Jones yn y rhifyn cyfredol o gylchgrawn Barddas, sef 'faint y'ch chi'n godi am gerdd?' Mae'n beth i'w ddathlu fod pobl yng Nghymru heddiw'n dal i weld barddoniaeth fel peth y dylid talu amdano, am mai felly y bu erioed yn hanes y Gymraeg – ond tybed a ellid ac, yn wir, a ddylid ffurfioli'r berthynas rhwng y bardd a'i noddwr? Mae pos Gruffudd Antur y mis hwn yn ymwneud â'r gerdd fyrraf erioed i ennill Cadair yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, ac mae cerdd yr Orffwysfa wedi ei chodi o gyfrol newydd sbon y prifardd a'r cyn-Fardd Cenedlaethol Gwyneth Lewis, sef Treiglo.
Daw'r brif eitem yn ail hanner y podlediad o Gaerfyrddin, a hynny o un o nosweithiau taith farddol newydd gan Karen Owen, sef 7 Llais – cafodd Nei gyfle i sgyrsio â Karen ei hun ac ag ambell un o'r gynulleidfa. Ces i a Nei gyfle wedyn i drafod ein hargraffiadau ni o'r perfformiad amlgyfryngol a chyffrous hwnnw. Hynny oll a recordiad o gerdd ghazal o gaer anhygoel ar gyrion Jaipur, a'r eitemau eraill arferol – Llinell Gynganeddol Ddamweiniol y Mis a'r holl newyddion o'r byd barddol. 1. Pwnco: englyn gan Gruffudd Antur i'n noddwr haelionnus, Llŷr James (07.45), pwt am fy nhrafaels yn India ac am gadair a roddodd Nei'n rhodd i ysgol yn ddiweddar (09.30), ynghyd â sgwrs am werth barddoniaeth (11.10) 2. 24.15 Pos rhif 12 gan Gruffudd a'i Ymennydd Miniog 3. 27.00 Yr Orffwysfa: cerdd gan y prifardd Gwyneth Lewis o'i chyfrol newydd, Treiglo 4. 29.30 Eitem am daith farddol 7 Llais gan Karen Owen 5. 45.40 Llinell Gynganeddol Ddamweiniol y Mis 6. 51.25 Y Newyddion Heddiw
The February Clera podcast – available on both SoundCloud and iTunes – includes a discussion on the value attached to poetry in Wales (where it is still usual for a poet to be commissioned to write a poem, often for a social occasion, and paid for it), a poem by the prifardd and former National Poet of Wales Gwyneth Lewis from her recent collection, Treiglo, and an item on Karen Owen's new poetry tour, 7 Llais.
This book marks the culmination of a partnership in poetry that spans seven years and two countries some 5000 miles apart. A journey that began in 2011 as part of a poetry translation workshop at Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre in north Wales has pulled into its orbit places as far removed from each other as Aberystwyth and Bombay/Mumbai, as well as Thiruvananthapuram, Porth-cawl, Cardiff, London, Kolkata, Swansea and Shantiniketan. We have both been afforded a fleeting, deeply enriching glimpse of each other's home towns, cities and nations. And in turn gained an insight into those things and places that we believed to be most familiar to us: streets, communities, homes, poems, even words themselves.
Following the success of two collections of poetry published by Gwasg Carreg Gwalch with the former Bardd Plant Cymru, Anni Llŷn – Geiriau Bach Chwareus and Hwrê mae hi'n Wyliau! – a new collection has been edited by the current Bardd Plant, Casia Wiliam, called Clywch ni'n Rhuo Nawr!. The book also contains poems by thirteen other poets who have held the post, including two by me – one about a new dinosaur called Tyranodiplostegatopsgorichthioraptor, and another about the fact that even the most hideous, disgusting and altogether awful monsters sometimes, just sometimes, need a big cwtsh.
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